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one has to word a  paper for publication in the research journals.  Particularly for certain prestigious journals in mathematics, there cannot be a single unnecessary word, or extra explanation that does not add to the content. Here the Sruti Gita has been worded in this tight fashion. In all the 28 verses of the Sruti gIta there is not a single unnecessary word. And here is an example of the precision with which the vedas speak. We refer to the word 'iva' (meaning, as it were) in the verse . Even the upanishad only says 'Having created (the universe), He entered it'.
The '
iva'  is emphasized as the intended meaning, only through the commentaries.

Verse No.20: 
Sruti gItA - 7

tava purusham vadanty-akhila-Sakti-dhRto'mSa-kRtam /
iti nRgatim vivicya kavayo nigamAvapanam
bhavata-upAsate'nghrim-abhavam bhuvi viSvasitAH //

The Vedas speak of the purusha dwelling in these bodies shaped by itself, though, as a matter of fact, it is not limited by anything which is of the nature of cause and effect as a part,  made as it were out of you,  the wielder of all potencies. Having thus determined the nature of the Purusha, the wise on this earth, full of faith, adore your feet at which acts enjoined by the vedas are offered  and which put an end to rebirth.

sva-kRta-pureshu  : In the dwellings (bodies) brought on by one's own past karma.
a-bahir-antara-samvaraNam  :  bahih = external, antaH = internal; Here these words refer to the external 'effect' and internal 'cause'. The 'a' prefix is for negation. So the composite word means: that which is not limited or covered by anything of the nature of cause and effect.

Verse No.24: 
Sruti gItA - 11

ka iha nu veda batAvara janma-layo'grasaram
yata udagAd-Rshir-yam-anu devagaNA ubhaye /
tarhi na san-nacAsad-ubhayam na ca kAla-javah
kimapi na tatra SAstram-avakRshya SayIta yadA //

Alas! What individual of posterior birth and death can possibly

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