Gita-nectar: I -33 to 39 with English comments

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ekÏvEc tTa p¥N©I p¥NImEvav¢SÝytE .

naÞÏyEvaæOam¦taE¼ar: Þvy| p¥NaIm¦tÏvt: .. 33 ..

æOÙyaÓtW: pïmanÏvat¯ sa ¢h ½£rm¦ta sta .

p#pïE{m¦tm£San| Am¦tÏvay j£vsE .. 34 ..

ekaE jalvan£St iISn£¢B: i¢t ½¤Ïya ekÞy A¢¹t£yvÞt¤n: säOa

samaÓyÞvãpÞy  ABav: n kda¢p ¢vïtE . tÞyWvEh ¢cÏsamaÓytE¢t

Åc¼nanÓdãpmEv  AaÏmn: . s va ex mhan¯ Aj AaÏma Ajr:

Amr: Am¦t: ABy| p#¢t¿a| ¢vÓdtE . tdEvaXraÏprtaE{¢p pr| b#' s|p¥N|I

AakaSv¹Ya¢p ¢nr|tr| ¢nâpa¢Dk| c . AæO Am¦taE¼rN| va Am¦tp#a¢çOvaI  

n sm|js|. æOy£ ¢vïa p#¢t¢n¢D: AaE|karag#| t¤yIt¤r£ymEv ¢nÏyam¦t½£: .

sWxa sEÛya svaI½ytya ÞvmaæOavSExlXNprmm|gLtya ½£mNa  ( ? - ed.)

ev dEv¢½y| dDa¢t i¢t prmkWvÚyãpm¤¢³½£vWBvmEv Bd#| kN©I¢B¢r¢t mÓæOª:

p#¢tpa¢dt|  .. 33, 34 ..

- 33.34: When it is maintained that there is only one entity it follows the non-existence of this entity is out of question. The awareness of it and the existence of it are built into its non-dual character. So to say that the fullness or the immortality is obtained is a tautology. It is already full and it is already immortal. Nothing need be done to ‘bring’ it to its natural state. It is in its natural state. You have only to realise it.

¢nÏy½£ÞsÓtt| sEÛya ya svIæO g¤ha¢hta .

savaIÏØy| l£lya p#açO: ½£k]ÝNaE B#a|¢tkxIN: .. 35 ..

¢vïavtar¢s¼YTI| maya¢B: p¤âãpt: .

Òyanp¥ja¢n¢mäO·  tn¥g¦Iÿa¢t mayya .. 36  ..

p#ÏygaÏma pr| ÇyaE¢t: . maya c mhäOm: . uByaErÏyÓt¢vâ¼ÞvBavyaE:

s|¢D: n sam|js£. tÞmat¯ ¢nmaIy| b#' n kda¢p smay| kt¤I| SÀy| . mayya

Þv£k]t¢vg#haE¢³à m¥FW: Bgv¢¹g#htya èÜymanÞy vÞt¤n: AÓyTa A¢s¼Ïvat¯

sa maya i¢t smaDantya Aac¾E ½¤¢t: . AjaE{¢p s°ÛyyaÏma iÏyæOa¢p

¢nmaIyÞy jÓmn: A¢s¼Ïvat¯ jat iv c Bva¢m laEk袾t: i¢t BaÝykara:

vd¢Ót . tæOa¢p d»| ggn| ¢vSaEkÞt¢Þmn¯ ydÓtÞtѤpa¢stÛy| i¢t ½¤Ïya

AÓtâpasnmEv ¢v¢hta Bv¢t . n t¤ ÞT¥lè¾Ya vÞt¤¢s¢¼BIv¢t .. 35, 36 ..

I - 35, 36: The Inner Spirit is the Supreme Light. The entity mAyA however is total darkness. How can the two co-exist? Therefore we can never change the illusionless brahman into brahman with illusion. When the Lord takes a form by His mAyA, since Reality can never be other than the Reality itself, the scriptures say that what you see as the form of the Lord is mAyA. What is prescribed as the ultimate is the propitiation of the Inner Light. The appearance of the concrete form and its worship is for meditation, ritual worship etc. which are the royal roads for the ultimate Realisation of the Inner Light.

mhÏyak]¢¾S³qya c gaEp£¢B: p#aNS¢³¢B: .

gaEpayÏyav¦NaEt£¢t gaEp£ maya ѤrÏyya .. 37 ..

pr| ÇyaE¢t: pr¢Sv| pr| vÞt¤ pram¦t| . iÏy¤³ramÇyaE¢tbaINaÏmkaparS¢³: ¢kl

vj#ay¤DshÞa#Þya¢p sk]Ïs|harkark£¢t p#¢s¼a c . mhÏyak¾Þsa¢p k]ÝNÞyEÏy¤ÅytE .

taèSS¢³rEv gaEp£SÖdEn uÅytE . mayaS¢³rEv Aav¦NaE¢t ma¢yn| i¢t gaEpay¢t  va .

ÞvÞvãpavrkS¢³: ¢@yaS³qyaÏmkp#aNa: gaEÔy: . sv©I{¢p laEkE Aak]ÝyÓtE p#aNS¢³¢B: .

p#aNS³qya cln| jnana| . gtp#aN: n kaE{¢p cl¢t laEkE . ¢@yya Kl¤ ba/ÛyaparW:

kalaE{¢p n åOaytE jnana| . ÞvÞvãpm¢p Aa¢v#ytE . At: ¢@ymaNEx¤ kmIs¤ yaE maEh|

napïtE  ÞvymktEI¢t Bav·apïtE s ev mayatrNk¬Sl: .. 37 ..

I - 37: The great power of attraction that the Lord exhibits is well-known. It is His mAyA-zakti; it fhides the truth, it also protects the devotee. The cowherdesses stand for the prANa-zakti which gives the power for action in every one of us. Without prANa-zakti we are only inert. It is only by our multifarious activities that we forget our true bearings and get lost in the external world. This dynamic power is therefore also the power that deludes us from the Truth. It is therefore called gopI mAyA. The One who is unruffled by this external activity and who can see himself as the non-doer (but the witness) – he is the one who will be blessed to transcend His mAyA, which is otherwise untranscendable

S³qyaãFaE mhanEx: gaElaEkE rasmÎflE .

gaEÔyà v¦äOyaE{nÓta: Þvam¦tEnWv p¥¢rta: .. 38 ..

gaEp£mÒyE c ½£k]ÝN: k]ÝNmÒyE c gaE¢pka .

raDamhaEÏsvaE /Ex: ÞvanEkp#aNS¢³¢B: .. 39 ..

StavDan£¢t ek¢Þmn¯ kal ev AnEka¢n kayaI¢N kt¤I| S³:  yTa shÞa#aX i¢t

p#¢Tt iÓd#: shÞa#a¢N kayaIÎy¢p kt¤I| smTI: . ekÞsn¯ AsHqÁya¢n kayaI¢N

AsHqÁyS³qyaãF: kraE¢t mhan¯ AsHqÁya¢n Sr£ra¢N Þv£k]Ïy AnÓtgaEp£¢BÞsh

id| n¦äO¢vSExm¢D¢t¿¢t rasmÎflE . yTa AÄñnamÄñnamÓtrE maDv: maDv| maDv|

ca|trENaÄñna . v¦¢äO¹ymÒyE cEtnmEk| cEtn¹ymÒyE v¦¢äO: cEtnEn ekEnWv v¦äOy: BasÓtE .

cEtn| ¢vna v¦äOEÞsä¬v n Bv¢t . cEtnsä¬v v¦¢äOsäOavt¯ Ûyv¢»ytE . t tÏv|

baED¢yx¤Þsn¯ ras@£famhaEÏsv| k[vaIN: ½£k]ÝN: A¹WtåOanmEv èF£kraE¢t . ekEn

yaEgEárEN Þv£k]tnana¢vD¢vg#hEN @£fasaÒya i¢t may£ k]ÝN: p#kz£kraE¢t . p#¢t¢b|bW:

yTa bala: @£f¢Ót t¹t¯ i¢t ekÞyWv mayya AnEkp#karEN Ban|  s|BvÏyEv . t

¢vSd£kraE¢t  ÞvyaEgS³qyWv .. 38, 39 ..

I - 38,39: The famous sport of Sri Krishna in the midst of the Gopis carries a profound import for the understanding of the mysterious power of the Lord. Like a magician he performs a simultaneity of feats by being everywhere and at the same time nowhere. The concept of every pair of Gopis having a Krishna between them and every pair of Krishnas having a Gopi in between symbolises the daily happening in our own minds of our consciousness manifesting in between two different channels (=outgoings) of the mind and the mind coming in between two sprouts of consciousness. By this yogic feat of rAsa-krIDA Krishna teaches us only the lesson of His non-duality amidst the world of multiplicity.

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Ó Copyright V. Krishnamurthy Dec.7, 2000. Revised Oct.30,2006